Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Amish Country Traditions And Values come to Historic Bristol!

Stoltfus Crafts exterior w 

The Bristol Amish Market opened in early may.

One my favorite shops is the Stoltzfus Crafts where you can find incredible selection of fine, Stoltfus Crafts hutch unithand crafted   furniture made in Lancaster Co. Pennsylvania. This shop is filled with Decordiva finds. The store features country primitive furnishings, a great selection of homemade  furniture being rich in quality yet affordable in price!


Potpourri, candles, and a wide assortment Stoltfus-Crafts-hanging-basdecorative accessories grace this store’s interior and make it great place to shop for your home .

Right now there is special pricing on Welsh Mountain Candles!  Follow the link to get your online coupon. http://www.stoltzfuscrafts.com/salespromotions.htmlStoltfus Crafts Welsh Mountain candles w

Hand crafted furniture both small and large pieces can be found in abundance. So if your shopping for tables, benches, bookcases, Stoltfus Crafts desk unit w
and now even a great bedroom suite our all offered at great prices. there are special order colors and design choices and samples upon request. which makes this designers resource. For more information and store hours follow this link!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Restaging To Sell - Friend or Foe


  • Think of the qualities that attracted to your home.

  • Showcase these qualties to the world of perspective buyers.

  • Your web listing is the best way to get them to your doorstep.

  • Work with a professional stager help create a dramatic first impression!

  • Work with a real estate photographer to provide great portraits of your home.

  • Work with a great realtor to guide through the sale of your home!

  • Create a great written introduction that is easy reading, make the description simple, and include a warm invitation to this must see home.

  • The hardest thing for sellers is depersonalizing your home so that others can be able to see the bare bones and begin view the home your are selling as there's!

  • Cutter, too much furniture, broken items, items in disrepair, should be addressed!

  • Finally if you live in Bucks County, Pa. give me a call....I'd like to meet your friend!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An Inconvenient Friend

Great design starts by reordering your environment.

Recently I spent some time reordering the office interior of a client. I moved a file cabinet to new location and landscaped the top with live plant in a decorative pot… it looked great! When I returned a few days later the top of cabinet was cluttered with some filing that needed to be done. A week later the same pile had grown somebody was crowding this landscape design with their own idea of order or perhaps not! When you fail to create order you should expect disorder or clutter in its place. Clutter can become that inconvenient friend we have grown to accept and often make provisions for on a daily basis. Is clutter your friend too? That friendship can be costly. Your friend clutter loves crowds, confusion, and abundance of distractions. Just remember sometimes we our known by the company we keep!