“Ruling Your Domain”
Your domain is that territory over which you exercise dominion (sovereignty or power).
Its that land you call home!
The place you have dominion! Or supreme authority!!!
A true décor diva very simply rules her home well!!! The ultimate décor diva is a skilled commander who rightly orders her home a regular basis.
We must have the right mindset as décor divas. Right now it might look like we are simply paupers at best, but I challenge you to see yourselves differently!!!
The first step into diva Dom is to clear your field of design and rightly order your home!!!
We start by filtering and organization
Filter means to come or go in small units over a period of time
Filtering is an ongoing process. You are simply removing impurities from your field of design on a regular basis. You will need to arrange or rearrange until you like the way different areas look and function.
To properly filter you will need a staging area
If your dining room table is your staging area then the landscape should change on a regular basis.
You can also use laundry baskets, bags, or boxes in a small corner of your home for a staging area (departure point).
Next we bring order… organize or arrange…putting things into balance and relationship. We do this on two levels with respect to one another. This is called form and function.
This can be a frustrating experience but remember you have power (ability to act or produce an effect).
When fail to act properly we feel in bondage to that which we posses. It seems to control our emotional well-being. At times rendering us ineffective at maintaining control and exercising dominion.
Patience is necessary ingredient as well as perseverance
There will be days of chaos were our attention is redirected and habits of the past seem to reappear
There is a saying…Old habits die-hard!!!
Your ability to rule and bring to order will be challenged!!!
Unfinished tasks must be completed
Careless living must be replaced with careful living
Remember each day brings new opportunity
Ignore what you cannot change…. decorate around it…
Prepare for your future…. You’re a diva in training…in time you will rule your domain
Rule clutter!!…Make three piles:
1.) Keepers- you know no matter what you’ll keep it!!!
2.) Give away/ sell –these items must of valve and useful to others!!!
3.) Throw away- your most liberating pile!
"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity."
- Albert Einstein